General Solicitation and General Advertising

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Bradley Berman is counsel and Gonzalo Go and Nicole Cors are associates at Mayer Brown LLP. This post is based on a Mayer Brown memorandum by Mr. Berman, Mr. Go, Ms. Cors, and Anna T. Pinedo.


Rule 502(c) (“Rule 502(c)”) of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the “Securities Act”), prohibits an issuer from offering or selling securities by any form of general solicitation or general advertising when conducting certain offerings exempt from registration under the safe harbors provided under Regulation D of the Securities Act. Many have felt that, over the years, this prohibition has impaired capital formation and that it would be more appropriate to regulate actual sales rather than offers. In order to address this, Congress passed the Jumpstart Our Business Startups Act (the “JOBS Act”) directing the Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”) to relax the prohibition against general solicitation and general advertising for certain offerings made in reliance on Rule 506 of the Securities Act (“Rule 506”). The amendments to Rule 506 adopted by the SEC became effective in July 2013. The amendments implemented a bifurcated approach, allowing for private placements to be conducted in reliance on Rule 506(b) without general solicitation and general advertising and for certain exempt offerings to be conducted using general solicitation or general advertising in reliance on Rule 506(c). However, as an additional investor protection measure, an issuer relying on the Rule 506(c) exemption and using general solicitation must limit sales to accredited investors and must take reasonable steps to verify that all purchasers of the securities are accredited investors. [1]

An issuer might seek to rely on Section 4(a)(2) of the Securities Act (“Section 4(a)(2)”), which provides an exemption from the registration requirements under Section 5 of the Securities Act for a transaction undertaken by an issuer that does not involve a public offering. An issuer also might rely on the Rule 506(b) safe harbor under the Securities Act, which is a nonexclusive safe harbor, and/or Section 4(a)(2) if it does not use general solicitation. However, an issuer that relies on Rule 506(c) would not be able to rely on the Section 4(a)(2) statutory private placement exemption should the issuer fail to meet a condition of the Rule 506(c) exemption.

Following the July 2013 effective date of the Rule 506 amendments creating the bifurcated approach to the exemptions, there was increased interest in the types of communications that may constitute “general solicitations,” despite the fact that the SEC’s amendments did not make any change to the communications rules.

Neither the JOBS Act nor SEC rules and regulations have explicitly defined the terms “general solicitation” or “general advertising.” However, Rule 502(c) provides some guidance by listing examples of communications that may be viewed as general solicitation and general advertising, including (1) “any advertisement, article, notice or other communication published in any newspaper, magazine, or similar media or broadcast over television or radio” and (2) “any seminar or meetings whose attendees have been invited by any general solicitation or general advertising.” Over the years, through a series of no-action letters, the SEC Staff has provided guidance regarding the types of communications that would be viewed as constituting a general solicitation. Following the July 2013 effective date of Rule 506(c), the SEC Staff also released certain Compliance and Disclosure Interpretations (“C&DIs”) that essentially affirmed and restated the guidance contained in the prior 40 years of no-action letters. Consistent with prior guidance, the C&DIs make clear that the SEC Staff would consider the nature and “breadth” of a communication, based on such factors as the number of people who have received the communication, the relationship of those persons to the issuer or the issuer’s agent, the financial sophistication of such persons, and the physical form of the materials containing the communication. [2] We summarize the guidance below.

General Solicitation: Establishing a Pre-Existing, Substantive Relationship

A communication by an issuer or a person acting on an issuer’s behalf with a prospective investor with which the issuer or its agent has a pre-existing substantive relationship does not constitute a general solicitation. [3]

What is a Pre-Existing Relationship?

SEC Staff guidance explains that a relationship is “pre-existing” if it was formed prior to the commencement of the issuer’s securities offering or was “established through either a registered broker-dealer or investment adviser prior to the registered broker-dealer’s or investment adviser’s participation in the offering.” [4] The SEC Staff further clarified that whether a relationship is pre-existing depends largely on whether there is “sufficient time between establishment of the relationship and the making of an offer so that the offer is not considered made by general solicitation or advertising.” [5]

Such relationships must exist independently from any investment discussions. In a no-action letter involving an investment bank, E.F. Hutton & Co. (“E.F. Hutton”), the SEC Staff clarified that, although E.F. Hutton had expressed its intent to send offering materials to investors with whom it had established prior business relationships in connection with specific investment procedures it had developed, it was unclear whether these relationships were formed as a result of discussions unrelated to general solicitation conducted in connection with the proposed offering. [6] Similarly, in another instance, the SEC Staff determined a communication made by a selling agent on behalf of a trust to the trust’s customers constituted general solicitation, because neither the selling agent nor the trust had shown that it had formed relationships with the customers prior to the trust’s securities offering. [7]

How Does One Establish a Pre-Existing Relationship?

The SEC Staff has noted there is no minimum waiting period required to demonstrate that a relationship is pre-existing, but, rather, “the relationship must be established prior to the time the registered broker-dealer or investment adviser began participating in the offering.” [8] Many funds conduct continuous offerings, making it difficult to know exactly when an offering begins for all interested investors, so the SEC Staff has established that the timing is determined on a per-investor basis. In Lamp Technologies, Inc., the SEC Staff determined that posting private fund investment information to a password-protected website was not general solicitation, because, in that case, the fund instituted a 30-day waiting period for each investor before the investor could participate in an offering. [9] Likewise, the SEC Staff has determined that requiring investors to undergo a vetting process [10] or complete a time-intensive questionnaire [11] (rather than imposing a specified waiting period) may evidence that a relationship was pre-existing.

What is a Substantive Relationship?

A relationship is considered “substantive” if the issuer or its agent “has sufficient information to evaluate, and does, in fact, evaluate, a prospective offeree’s financial circumstances and sophistication, in determining his or her status as an accredited or sophisticated investor.” [12] To further clarify, the SEC Staff has indicated that the “quality of the relationship between the issuer (or its agent) and an investor” is the critical factor in evaluating whether a substantive relationship exists. [13] The quality of the relationship depends on the ability of the issuer or its agent to obtain sufficient information in order to evaluate a prospective investor’s financial ability and sophistication.

The SEC Staff has noted that self-certification by a person as to his/her status as an accredited or sophisticated investor is not sufficient to establish a relationship that is “substantive.” [14] In E.F. Hutton, the SEC Staff determined that providing a questionnaire and new client intake form to prospective investors alone was not sufficient to establish a substantive relationship, even if the information collected was relevant to establishing the investors’ financial ability, because the forms relied entirely on the responses of the individual investors and therefore constituted self-certification. [15] By contrast, the SEC Staff found that adding a subsequent “relationship-establishment period” to a generic questionnaire would be sufficient to establish a substantive relationship, because the addition of the former would allow an issuer to further evaluate the individual investors’ sophistication without relying solely on self-certification.

How Does One Establish a Substantive Relationship?

An offeror or its agent can establish a pre-existing substantive relationship with a potential purchaser or investor after it has determined the level of sophistication and accreditation of the potential investor. Such procedures must thoroughly and adequately gauge investor sophistication.

For broker-dealers, extensive verification measures must be established in relation to customers. [16] Implicit in broker-dealer interactions with customers lies an obligation to deal fairly with customers and to provide advice appropriate to the clients, which, according to the SEC Staff, inherently “implies that a substantive relationship exists between a broker-dealer and customers.” [17] Similarly, as a fiduciary, an investment adviser has the responsibility to adequately advise its clients. Likewise, the fiduciary duty necessitates an inquiry into that client’s financial situation and investment objectives that would satisfy the requirements of a pre- existing, substantive relationship. [18]

In contrast, for issuers who lack such an implicit duty, forming substantive relations with potential investors may be less organic and presumably more difficult. [19] Issuers can successfully demonstrate a substantive relationship with their investors by proving that their investors meet specific suitability standards and that they had a good faith belief that each proposed offeree was sophisticated and able to evaluate the risks and merits of a potential investment. [20] Issuers may find establishing a substantive relationship especially challenging in the context of a private offering over the internet. [21] Therefore, the SEC Staff has determined that, for an internet-based offering, an issuer would need “to consider whether it has sufficient information about particular offerees” and “to use that information to appropriately evaluate the financial circumstances and sophistication of the prospective offerees prior to commencing the offering.” [22]

When Must One Form a Substantive Relationship With a Given Investor?

A pre-existing, substantive relationship must be fully formed prior to the commencement of the offering. Although both a broker- dealer and an investment adviser must cultivate such a relationship merely before “the time the registered broker-dealer or investment advisor has begun participating in the offering,” an issuer must establish the substantive relationship prior to the commencement of the offering. However, for “continuous offerings” conducted by private funds, the pre-existing, substantive relationship can commence prior to the specific offering to a given investor. [23]

The SEC Staff has determined that a waiting period is neither necessary nor sufficient, finding a substantial vetting process undertaken to ensure investor sophistication before the presentation of an investment opportunity sufficient. [24] In contrast, the SEC Staff has declined to endorse a pre-existing, substantive relationship despite the use of a waiting period between vetting the investor and presenting the investment opportunity. [25] Nonetheless, the existence of a waiting period can serve to bolster the legitimacy of the authentication procedure. [26] The implementation of a “waiting period” might arise as a natural by-product of, rather than a concrete requirement to, an adequate and thorough vetting procedure. For example, in Lamp Technologies, Inc., the SEC Staff characterizes the posting of private fund investment information on a password-protected website not as general solicitation, because subscribers could only gain access to offering information after Lamp Technologies, Inc. could review the results of a mandatory, generic questionnaire and ascertain the sophistication and accreditation of the prospective subscriber. [27]

General Solicitation: Determining the Nature and Breadth of the Communication

Another factor in determining whether an offeror or its agents has engaged in general solicitation focuses on an evaluation of the nature and breadth of the communication itself. Typically, the medium of dissemination and the number of recipients, as well as the type of information contained in a communication, bear on whether the offeror has attempted to widely advertise or publicize a given offering.

The SEC has established a number of safe harbors that expressly permit issuers to communicate certain information that does not pertain to a specific security or offering and pursuant to which such communications would not be viewed as “offers.” For example, an offeror may communicate regularly released “factual information” pertaining to an issuer’s business, products or services (as well as ordinary advertisements for such products or services that do not constitute an offer) and financial condition. [28] Additionally, the SEC has extended the safe harbor for regularly released “forward-looking” information that merely provides guidance regarding an issuer’s revenue, income, earnings and dividends. [29] The SEC has defined “regularly released” information to include information “released or disseminated [in a manner] consistent in material respects with similar past releases or disseminations.” [30] Nonetheless, neither offerors nor their agents may communicate predictions, projections, forecasts or opinions concerning an offering or information that could serve to “condition the public mind or arouse public interest in a securities offering.” [31]

How Many Recipients May Exist Before a Communication is Deemed a “General Solicitation”?

The availability of a private placement exemption generally does not depend on the number of offerees, and no recipient threshold exists to classify a given communication as general solicitation. Nonetheless, the number of recipients of a given communication can be a relevant factor. [32] The SEC Staff has noted that the “greater number of persons without financial experience, sophistication or any prior personal or business relationship with the offeror that are contacted by an offeror (or its agent) . . . through impersonal, non- selective means of communication, the more likely the communications are part of a general solicitation.” [33] The analysis remains focused on whether the communications are directed at persons with whom the issuer or its agent has a pre-existing substantive communication.

Do Written Materials Distributed to Potential Investors Constitute General Solicitation?

An offeror or its agents may distribute written materials to potential investors that are not intended to, and do not, have the effect of swaying investor decision-making with regard to an upcoming investment opportunity. Historically, the SEC Staff has granted no- action relief for offerors or their agents delivering newsletters and guides composed from public information. [34] In these contexts, the SEC Staff noted that materials derived entirely from public record or even mainly from public research materials and public reports, and that omit substantive investment analysis and issuer information, could be spared the label of “general solicitation.”

In contrast, the SEC Staff has found that distributed printed materials that may influence the investment calculus of a potential investor may constitute “general solicitation.” These can be printed materials that don’t merely contain “data and calculations” but specifically provide “additional background on principals of the offering, the marketability of the investment, and any possible economic, corporate, tax or legal ramification” as a means of solicitation. [35] Similarly, publishers may not set forth evaluations of an investment opportunity. Still, the boundary between “reciting public, factual information” and “providing a substantive evaluation” of an impending offering remains unclear. Where a publication has both provided factual information relating to an offering without an evaluation but employed suggestive information regarding the publication and the issuer, the SEC Staff may be unable to ascertain whether dissemination of the material would constitute a general solicitation. [36]

Nevertheless, a written communication that is delivered as part of a routine advertisement campaign does not constitute general solicitation. [37] Such exempt advertisements, including factual reports pertaining to the business or announcements of upcoming products and services, are routinely circulated as part of the ordinary course of business and will not constitute general advertising or general solicitation. [38] Whether a written communication constitutes normal, permitted advertisement or general, prohibited advertisement depends heavily on the extent of offeror involvement in the distribution of the publication. Previously, in cases such as Richard Daniels and Tax Investment Information Corp., the SEC Staff has acknowledged the extent of an issuer’s participation in the creation or dissemination of a given publication to indicate an intention to influence the perception of potential investors and thus whether it rises to “general solicitation.”

When neither an offeror nor its agent supplies the information for the publication and no current or contemplated offering exists, the communication is unlikely to reflect an intention to advertise the particular transaction and will probably constitute ordinary advertising. [39] Nonetheless, Rule 135(c) of the Securities Act provides a safe harbor for an offeror publishing a barebones announcement of an upcoming offering to the public, even in the context of an unregistered, private offering. [40]

Do Communications on Demo Days Constitute General Solicitations?

On “demo days,” issuers present their businesses to prospective investors. [41] New Rule 148, effective March 15, 2021, provides that communications at a “demo day” will not be deemed to constitute a general solicitation if such communications are made to a specific audience, follow particular restrictions on the form of delivery and follow particular restrictions on the content of the delivery. A communication made in connection with a seminar or meeting in which more than one issuer participates that is sponsored by a college, university or other institution of higher education; a state or local government or instrumentality of a state or local government; a nonprofit organization; or an angel investor group, incubator or accelerator will not be deemed a general solicitation provided that: